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希捷11 12 5400.6固件定义

离线 山东老王
级别: 管理员
0  发表于: 2012-03-12 , 来自: From:山东省淄博市
Seagate 7200.11 7200.12  5400.6 Module  of  drives

00 Defect List SA
01 Drive Information File
02 Picture performance settings (Performance Parameter File)
03 P-List
04 SAP (Servo Adaptive Parameters)
05 Manufacturing Information File
06 RAP (Read Adaptive Parameters)
07 CAP (Controller Adaptive Parameters)
08 destination unknown
09 SMART config (filled pattern)
0B destination unknown, full pattern
0C Self Scan Log
0D destination unknown, full pattern
0E DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 0
0F DIC Dummy File
13 Roster drive (settings, Security)
15 File offline samotesta surface (DOS)
16 destination unknown
17 destination unknown, full pattern
19 destination unknown, the log of something
1A destination unknown, full pattern
1B destination unknown, the log of something
1C destination unknown, full pattern
1D Overlay 0
1E Overlay 1
1F destination unknown, full pattern
22 File samotesta surface Kills 0
23 File samotesta surface, the head of a
24 File samotesta surface, head 2
25 File samotesta surface, the head 3
26 File samotesta surface, the head 4
27 File samotesta surface, the head 5
28 File samotesta surface, the head of 6
29 File samotesta surface, the head 7
2A Saved Mode Pages - HDD configuration
2B RW operations, streamer
2C DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 1, pattern
2D DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD 2, pattern
2E DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD, 3 pattern
2F DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD, 4 pattern
30 DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD, 5 pattern
31 DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD, 6 pattern

32 DIC (Data Integrity Check), HEAD, 7 pattern
33 Service file FDE
34 packed descriptor structure CONGEN

离线 1924520989
级别: 新手上路
1  发表于: 2012-06-27 , 来自: From:广东省广州市
在线 jinsongamoy
级别: 新手上路
2  发表于: 2013-07-02 , 来自: From:福建省
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